The Best Harry Potter Sorting Hat Quiz

The Harry Potter Sorting Hat Quiz!

Welcome to Hogwarts, first years. Please, come up to the podium and take a seat in this chair when you hear your name being called. This hat that you see will place you in your Hogwarts House. The Houses are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Each house has created wonderful witches and wizards, and this year looks no different.

Now, are we ready to begin?

RELATED: Take the Harry Potter Trivia Quiz to test your knowledge on this epic series!

Sorting Hat

Place the hat on your head and listen closely to the questions...


You find an unmarked chest full of coins worth 10 million Galleons. What do you do with it?

You're walking home when you come across three kids bullying another kid. What do you do?

Which of these goals is the most appealing to you?

Which of these magical professions is the most appealing to you?

During your final exam, your professor leaves the classroom. You know the answers are within their desk. What do you do?

You find a death eater robe inside your best friend's closet. What do you do?

What role would you play in a high fantasy party?

What quality do you value the most in yourself?

During the final battle at Hogwarts, would you stay and fight, knowing there's a strong chance you could die?

In your apartment building you live next to four other families. You know one family is at home, but are not sure about the other three. The apartment complex catches on fire. What do you do?

29 thoughts on “The Best Harry Potter Sorting Hat Quiz”

  1. Pingback: The Harry Potter Trivia Quiz (70 questions, all Books) (Difficulty: Medium) | Reader's Grotto

      1. I got Gryffindor and my sibling got Hufflepuff… she was so embarrassed but I tried to cheer her up by saying that Tonks was also in Hufflepuff but she couldn’t remember who Tonks was so it didn’t help…

        1. Same my sister is in Hufflepuff too. Maybe you can tell her that they could be good friends in the future. I’m in Ravenclaw and my sister was a little bit annoyed that I was better cause she wanted to be with me so I told her that to!😅🥹😀😃

  2. I don’t know yet but I’m going to Hogwarts next year! I’ve been sorted into Ravenclaw 5 times and Hufflepuff once!

  3. I am in Ravenclaw house is anyone the same how did you answer the questions? Oh and one more question,does anyone have a tamagotchi uni because I do and I have a problem with the new update.

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